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  1. 2022 was a difficult year for many Canadian households and investors.

    Details : Financial letter, Winter 2023, 62nd edition

    Louis Vazzoler

    Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Manager

  2. Investors are concerned by persistent signs of stubbornly high inflation, which is causing significant losses in the major stock markets.

    Details : Financial letter, Fall 2022, 61th edition

    Louis Vazzoler

    Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Manager

  3. Investing has always meant dealing with surprises and unforeseen variables, and the current uncertain environment calls for a balanced investment strategy.

    Details : Financial letter, Summer 2022, 60th edition

    Louis Vazzoler

    Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Manager

  4. Prior to the invasion of Ukraine, the financial markets projected that such an invasion would not trigger a world war and global recession.

    Details : Financial letter, Spring 2022, 59th edition

    Louis Vazzoler

    Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Manager

  5. The pandemic isn't over, as shown by the onset of the Omicron variant and the rise in cases, hospitalizations and deaths in several countries. COVID 19 therefore remains an important risk factor that can still affect our forecasts.

    Details : Financial letter, Winter 2021, 58th edition

    Louis Vazzoler

    Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Manager

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