All Financial publications

  1. While Canada's inflation rate is back within the Bank of Canada's target range, victory against inflation looks less certain south of the border

    Details : Financial letter, Spring 2024, 67th edition

    Louis Vazzoler

    Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Manager

    Sonia Dumont

    Portfolio Manager, Wealth Manager

  2. The year 2023 started off with concerns about the impact of monetary policy tightening on economies worldwide.

    Details : Financial letter, Winter 2024, 66th edition

    Louis Vazzoler

    Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Manager

  3. 2023 was characterized by banking sector turmoil, dashed hopes of an economic recovery triggered by China's reopening and slight improvements in core inflation in several countries.

    Details : Financial letter, Fall 2023, 65th edition

    Louis Vazzoler

    Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Manager

  4. Canada's economy continues to beat economists' forecasts. However, we believe the momentum won't last.

    Details : Financial letter, Summer 2023, 64rd edition

    Louis Vazzoler

    Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Manager

  5. The rapid rise in interest rates could have a more delayed effect on economic activity, particularly in the United States.

    Details : Financial letter, Spring 2023, 63rd edition

    Louis Vazzoler

    Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Manager

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