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Monthly newsletter – January 2023


Allow us to wish you a happy new year 2023!

January is a time of new resolutions and new projects.

January is also Alzheimer's Awareness Month - External link. This link opens in a new window., a time to raise awareness about neurocognitive disorders and their impact on the families of those affected by the disease, which can be protected by taking out critical illness insurance - External link. This link opens in a new window..

The good news is that just a few days ago the FDA approved a new drug - External link. This link opens in a new window. that shows promise in slowing the progression of the disease.

On that promising news, be well and see you next time.

See you soon!

11 tax changes and new rules that will affect your finances

Many important tax figures have been substantially increased for 2023.

Read the article - External link. This link opens in a new window.

Electricity, taxes, contributions… What will change in Quebec in 2023

With the new year come financial boosts and price increases come into effect.

Read the article - External link. This link opens in a new window.

10 best tips for using a cell phone during international travel

Traveling abroad? Use these tips to stay connected without going broke.

Read the article - External link. This link opens in a new window.

Each Desjardins Securities advisor named on the front page of this document, or at the beginning of any subsection hereof, hereby certifies that the recommendations and opinions expressed herein accurately reflect such advisor’s personal views about the company and securities that are the subject of this publication and all other companies and securities mentioned in this publication that are covered by such advisor. Desjardins Securities may have previously published other opinions, including ones contrary to those expressed herein. Such opinions reflect the different points of view, assumptions and analysis methods of the advisors who authored them. Before making an investment decision on the basis of any recommendation made in this document, the recipient should consider whether such recommendation is appropriate, given the recipient’s particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances.

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