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Monthly newsletter – February 2023

Dear Client,

February is here: the month of love and heart health. The new year already seems to be flying by!

Between meeting deadlines, keeping your household running smoothly and thinking about a Spring Break getaway, you may not have had much time to plan something special for your sweetheart for Valentine’s Day.

Not to worry—we’ve got your back! Here are some ideas to help you plan a spectacular Valentine’s Day in Montreal. And here are some additional suggestions for memorable getaways and activities right across Canada. Enjoy!

Wishing you and yours a happy heart month!

Big bank economists see mild recession likely ahead despite surprising resilience

Big bank economists say the surprisingly resilient economy is likely headed for a mild slowdown in the year ahead, but that recent events show how difficult it is to predict the future.

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Questions to ask when writing your will

A will protects both your assets and your family. But most Canadians have an out-of-date will – or no will at all. Find out what to think about when you write yours.

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15 Best Beaches in Florida — The Top Beach Spots!

The Sunshine State is, no doubt, the nation’s top pick for beach getaways, since it’s home to some of the earth’s whitest sand beaches, the largest fishing fleet and beaches with the most seashells.

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