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Monthly newsletter — December 2023

Did you know that the film Rain Man was released on December 16, 1988? Time really does fly!

The film, which won 4 Oscars and 2 Golden Globes, was among the first to talk about autism on the big screen. Things have changed since its release. In Quebec, for example, recent changes to the Public Curator's mandate led to the creation of a new tool for supporting a loved one: the assistance measure - External link..

It allows people experiencing difficulties to get help from 1 or 2 people of their choice with decisions-making, exercising of their rights or administration of their property.

As for us, the year is ending on a positive note. A new assistant, Carole Côté, has joined the team. She'll be working closely with Sophia, who just passed her Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) exam. Welcome, Carole and congratulations, Sophia!

This is the last newsletter of the year, so we'd like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a very happy holiday season. May the new year bring all of you health, happiness and prosperity.

Take care!

Changes to your finances in 2024

While kids are eating the chocolates from their Advent calendar, adults are realizing that 2023 is already drawing to a close. No one can tell just what the next year has in store, but in terms of money and personal finance, here are the changes that await us.

Read the article - External link.

Notaries angry over end of digital signatures

Notaries aren't usually known for being loud or protesting. But these days, they're rallying to let the Quebec government know they're not happy. At the end of October, Bill 34, aimed at modernizing their profession, sounded the death knell ... for digital signatures. This means that clients will have to go back to signing documents at the notary's office, as they did before the pandemic. The news hasn't gone over well.

Read the article - External link.

Is there a more efficient way to board planes?

The plane is ready for boarding. The passengers get up right away and try to board as quickly as possible. Chaos ensues, despite the staff's instructions.

Read the article - External link.

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