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Monthly Newsletter – August 2022

Did you know that International Youth Day took place on August 12? This was an opportunity to remember that 15–24-year-olds make up around 16% of the world's population.

Each generation has their own battles, and these young people will definitely make the fight against climate change one of their priorities.

We can say that the younger generation is inclusive, informed and socially engaged. That's why issues that had never been dealt with collectively in the past are brought to public attention, like the lawsuit that was filed by Environnement Jeunesse against Ottawa, but that the Supreme Court - External link. This link opens in a new window. recently refused to hear.

According to the UN, solidarity across generations is key for sustainable development.

These future adults will have different personal finance challenges. When their parents die, they'll inherit a substantial amount of wealth—something that's never been seen in history. We should prepare them now by teaching them money concepts - External link. This link opens in a new window. so that they can build on the efforts of older generations for a long time.

Until next time!

Fed Tapering and Its Impact on the Markets

Central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed), have many tools to manage the health of the economy. Buying asset-backed securities to stimulate economic recovery is one of them.

Read the article - External link. This link opens in a new window.

What to Do With Your RESP If Your Child Decides Not to Go to School

Canadian parents save and budget for years to put money into RESPs for their children’s post-secondary education. Those plans can hit a roadblock when their kids no longer wish to pursue a college education—but there are options.

Read the article - External link. This link opens in a new window.

Federal Reserve official isn't interested in whether or not the U.S. is in a recession right now

As far as the Federal Reserve is concerned, whether or not the U.S. is in a recession right now simply doesn’t matter, as the central bank continues its laser-focused efforts to tackle a more immediate problem: runaway inflation and soaring prices for everything from fuel to groceries.

Read the article - External link. This link opens in a new window.

5 incredible places to staycation in Canada

Here are five amazing destinations in Canada that should be at the top of your staycation list.

Read the article - External link. This link opens in a new window.

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