Investment Solutions

Accounts and Range of Products

Our types of accounts

  • Regular and margin accounts (in Canadian and American currency)
  • Registered accounts : RRSP (in Canadian and American currency), RRIF, LIRA, LIF, TFSA and SSP
  • Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

Our range of products:

  • Fixed income securities (bond, preferred shares)
  • Securities (common shares, stock market indices)
  • Mutual funds, private mandates, discretionary management mandates

Other services

Business Services

  • Portfolio management
  • Tax planning
  • Business transfer planning
  • Retirement income strategies (dividends and other strategies)

Compensation Methods

We offer two compensation structures: transaction-based or fee-based (%).

Compensation options are discussed thoroughly with you before making a decision. It will depend on the investment management style, the value of your portfolio2 and the asset allocation.

Traditional management

This method is more suited to investors with investment knowledge and interest because they will be involved in every transaction in their portfolio.

It offers two types of fee structures: transaction-based or percentage-based. The choice depends on the value of the portfolio, number of anticipated transactions and type of account.

Transaction-based fees are determined by the value of the transaction. For instance, transactions of $10,000 or less generate higher fees than those exceeding $10,000.

Percentage-based fees vary according to the value of the portfolio and the asset distribution. The "fixed income" portion (bonds and preferred shares) generates lower fees than "growth" assets (which include shares and income trusts).

Percentage-based fees incurred in non-registered accounts are tax deductible.

Discretionary management3

This method is for investors who are seeking a "pension fund" management style that requires no daily involvement on their part.

It is a single percentage-based fee. Like the traditional management method, the fees are based on the value of the portfolio and the asset distribution. They are tax deductible when incurred in non-registered accounts.

Since the fees are determined by the overall portfolio value, they qualify for a "family rate". In other words, for calculation purposes and to allow all members in the same family or all partners in a company to benefit from a reduced rate, the fees are calculated based on the combined value of all the accounts together.

  1. Services offered through Desjardins Securities Financial Services.Return to footnote 1 referrer
  2. The portfolio value may be combined with family members and business partners to allow for lower management fees.Return to footnote 3 referrer
  3. Services offered through the Darwin Discretionary Management Program.Return to footnote 5 referrer
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